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Lord Tirek

Deutscher Name:Lord Tirek
Englischer Name:Lord Tirek
Typ Troublemaker
Villain (When you uncover a Troublemaker with this keyword, dismiss all other face-up Troublemakers at that Problem and frighten all Friends at that Problem. While a Villain Troublemaker is face-up at a Problem, neither player can confront that Problem, and face-down Troublemakers are not uncovered at that Problem. Any player may challenge a Villain Troublemaker during their Troublemaker Phase.)
At the start of a faceoff involving this card, dismiss a Friend with the least power among Friends involved in the faceoff. If you do, put a +1 power counter on this card.
"How does it feel, knowing that soon, every pegasus, unicorn and earth pony will bow to my will, and that there is nothing you can do to stop it?"
Absolute Discord #159

 Vorherige Karte [ Fluttershy, Brute*] Nach oben  Nächste Karte [Pinkie Pie, Grump*]

Diese Seite sowie die Carddex.System-Technology V.4.2 wurden von GoldenerPhoenix und Iruini erstellt und sind deren geistiges Eigentum.
Alle Inhalte, die sich auf My Little Pony™ beziehen, sind rechtlich bei Hasbro und Enterplay geschützte Markenprodukte.
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